Member Spotlight - Kachinko SealCoating
Member Spotlight - Kachinko SealCoating

The Back Mountain Chamber would like to introduce Paul Kachinko, owner and operator of Kachinko SealCoating.
I was greatly inspired to start my business, from my father in particular and would also have to give credit to my uncle and two cousins. I saw them from a young age, develop two very successful businesses. My uncle started a paving business in Larksville, in which my father helped out. Once his two sons got older, they ran the business as well. I worked there a short while, too. They developed a very good business reputation, that still gets asked about it to this day, after being out of business for over 15 years.
My biggest inspiration to get back into business in 2015 was my father. I grew up doing this with him in the summer when I was younger. Once I learned the ropes, I would go out and do the work on my own through college. Before I started the business back up on my own in 2015, we had gotten out of the business in 2006 as a result of my father having a stroke two weeks prior to my wedding. I finished up the season for him, then sold most of our equipment. At the time, with getting married, I took a different path; but still in construction. I worked for two different companies for about 10 years or so. What made me start the business back up was when I got laid off from my previous job around Thanksgiving of 2014. I never got a call back and unemployment was about to run out in the Spring of 2015. This is when I took the chance to start up and go out on my own and continue on with my family's business reputation.
I love doing business in the Back Mountain and surrounding areas because the community is so supportive of local businesses. Also, I love getting out and working in all different neighborhoods, and just saying, "hi" when people are out on their morning and afternoon walks. We really do live in a great community where I get so many referrals by word of mouth. I was taught that if you do good work and treat your customers right, you will get repeat work and they will spread the word. I strive to treat a customers property as if it were mine and love to hear when they are satisfied and say see you in a few years, or better yet, when they recommend you to their family and friends.
The other thing I love about the Back Mountain is being able to donate to many different organizations and raising my two children here with my wife. I have donated and sponsored many youth organizations throughout the years and volunteer my time coaching with DYB. Some of the donations and sponsorships have been with Back Mountain Little League, Dallas Youth Basketball, Back Mountain Youth Soccer, school yearbook, Dallas football, and Dallas boys and girls basketball.
I decided to join the Back Mountain Chamber because it would be nice to be a member of this organization and meet other business members for referrals and events the Chamber does for the community.